It’s hard to use long nails, but to be beautiful is to endure hard things sometimes. Although long nails are difficult, they create a truly magnificent look on the fingers. Especially when these long nails are combined with different nail art, they create a perfect look. It is possible to...
Top 103 Summer Season Nail Decoration Designs

As in every season, we are trying to publish the most popular trends in lists this season. Of course, these lists include nail designs. The most striking thing in nail designs this year was the addition of different small materials on them, apart from nail painting.
There has been a transition to short nail fashion recently, but for a few seasons, long nails have started to take their place at the top of the list. Confident women with long nails manage to attract attention wherever they go. The first attention is always focused on the hands, which causes others to not take their eyes off you.

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