Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve seen the chrome nails trend rock the internet for the past few months. It’s one of the most popular and striking manicures looks to revolutionize your nail game. Not only does it look gorgeous, striking, and luxurious, it’s actually uncomplicated and inexpensive...
Nails rocked in this period reflect the mood of the Easter celebration. The nails are shiny no doubt but modest and very colorful. They tend not to be long and some bears the design of Jesus Christ. The designs too are there but not too robust. You have to make...
Summer is the perfect time to experiment with your nails and try out some of the hottest trends. Ombré nails are one of the most popular trends this season and they can be done in a variety of ways. From bright neon shades to subtle pastel hues, these ombré nails...
If you want To spice up youɾ naiƖs qᴜickly, blɑck gliTTer naiƖs might be the wɑy to go. TҺe Ƅeɑᴜty of tҺese designs is thɑt they can Ƅe customized ιn any way you want, incƖuding with goƖd oɾ silver gƖitTer ɑnd dιfferent sҺaρes and sizes. TҺis new aɾticƖe wιll sҺow...